Business Growth Community
GOLD Program Membership Application
Have you ever had a professional license suspended or revoked?
2.Have you ever been convicted of a felony?
Are you or someone on your team able and willing to make the mandatory time commitment of at least 5 hours per week.
By submitting this Application, you agree that should you be approved for both the FedProfits Business Growth Community Gold Program and if applicable, financially for the full amount of the Community Tuition by a 3rd party finance company, you will pay the Community Tuition in full, less deposits, within 14 days. CERTIFICATION. I hereby declare and certify that all statements contained in this application and any accompanying documents are true and correct, and that any misrepresentation or false statement may be grounds for rejecting my application or, if discovered after my application has been accepted, subject me to immediate termination without any reimbursement, solely at IA U.S. GC’s discretion. I further understand that my membership is conditional, and I agree, accept, and will abide by all the terms and conditions set forth herein and those contained within the IA U.S. GC Terms and Conditions and Member Policies (attached) all of which I have had the opportunity to review. I acknowledge that breach of these terms, conditions, and policies shall be grounds to terminate my membership. I understand and agree that UPON ACCEPTANCE, FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE WITHOUT EXCEPTION.
1. Prospective members must complete this Application and when applicable, the accompanying Credit Application, and submit them, along with the Initial Enrollment Fee, to the Board of Directors of the International Association of U.S. Government Contractors (hereafter, IA U.S. GC ) for review.
2. IA U.S. GC will complete an In-depth Qualifications Review
Research and confirm your Industry Classification to verify you are in a Top 40 Federal Government Industry
Research your Company’s reputation and references to verify you meet IA U.S. GC ethical and operational standards
Research your Company’s financial and operational history to verify your organization’s credit-worthiness
3. IA U.S. GC Board of Director Review
Meets each Thursday, except in case of federal holidays or other occasional circumstances
Reviews each Application for admittance into the appropriate Regional Community
Should Application be declined, Applicant’s Initial Enrollment Fee shall be refunded in its entirety.
Upon acceptance, you will complete and return the FedProfits Business Growth Community Program Agreement and the balance of the Program Tuition will be due within 14 days from approval notification.
An Approval Interview with Prospective Member will be conducted to ensure all questions are answered fully.
A deep-dive Onboarding Meeting with new Member’s Team will be scheduled upon receipt of payment.
Terms and Conditions
“Client” or “You” means the business whose details are stated on the front of this Agreement.
“IA U.S. GC” means the International Association of U.S. Government Contracting, LLC
“Success Coach” means a coach provided by IA U.S. GC
“Programs” and “Systems” includes to the goods and/or services that have been purchased by the Client from IA U.S. GC including but not limited to IA U.S. GC FEDPROFITS® NO-BID CONTRACTING PROGRAM and ADDITIONAL PROGRAMS AVAILABLE for IA U.S. GC -CERTIFIED FEDERAL SUPPLIERS.
RISK-FREE GUARANTEES: 12 months from the date of this agreement, if Client has not collected at least $1,00,000 in federal contracts, but has performed all work as assigned, IA U.S. GC will coach Client without the 4% success fee until you reach $1,000,000 and then after $1,000,000 the success fee will resume. The success fee will be due within 30 days after you collect from the Federal Government.
1. Supply of goods and services: IA U.S. GC agrees to provide the Client with the Programs as detailed in this Agreement, subject to Clause 12 below. Client acknowledges that they may request additional Programs and services from IA U.S. GC for an additional cost, the provision of such Programs and services to be at the sole discretion of IA U.S. GC.
IA U.S. GC will complete Action Step 1 (SAM and SBA registrations) for up to three of client’s companies at no additional charge. Should client desire an additional company to be made Procurement Ready (Registrations) the price will $500.
IA U.S. GC will complete Actions Steps 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 for one company of the Client, including SAM & SBA Federal registrations and production of Capability Statement in three formats, within 90 days of Application acceptance, contingent upon Client providing required information in a timely manner.
12 Months of Federal Sales Training utilizing the Sandler Online Selling Methodology.
24 Months of FULL ACCESS to FedProfits® Member Portal and 7-step Program, including detailed training videos and workbooks, step-by-step written guides, scripts, checklists, and templates, or unlimited until $3,000,000 in federal contracts have been secured.
24 Months of access to live FedProfits® Procurement Conferences, or unlimited until $3,000,000 in federal contracts have been secured.
24 Months of Weekly Online Group Mastermind Coaching Sessions, or unlimited until $3,000,000 in federal contracts have been secured.
24 Months of email support or unlimited until $3,000,000 in federal contracts have been secured.
9 Months of a Federal Business Coach to keep you accountable and enable you to reach $300,000 within 9 months.
9-Months of FedProfits Success Coach to enable you to make capture warm bids as well as no-bid contracts.
2. Information: The information provided in the Programs is for reference purposes only. Programs are sold on the terms and understanding that (1) IA U.S. GC is not responsible for the results of any actions taken since information in the Programs, nor for any error in or omission from the Programs; and (2) IA U.S. GC is not engaged in rendering legal, accounting, professional or other advice or services.
3. Performance: Results are defined as money, motivation, progress, marketing plan, business plan, business structure, thought provoking conversation, changes and alterations in business practice, time management improvements, regular correspondence, and a deeper understanding of how business can be successfully operated. Neither party shall be responsible for delays or failures in performance resulting from acts beyond its control, such as acts of God, acts of war, epidemics, civil insurrection, riot, power outages, fire, earthquakes, and other disasters.
4. Disclaimer: The Client acknowledges and agrees that IA U.S. GC, and any agent, employee or representative of IA U.S. GC have not made any guarantees or promises concerning the income, revenue or profits which can or might be realized by the Client by using the information contained within the Programs. The results of the Customer are largely dependent on the Client’s own skill and application of the information in the Programs.
6. Disputes: The laws of the State of Florida shall govern the Agreement. Any controversy or claim arising out of or related to the Agreement, or the breach thereof, shall be brought exclusively in the State or Federal Courts in Broward or Lee County, Florida. In the event of an action for collection, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover their reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs.
7. Default Interest: Any amount due to IA U.S. GC that is not paid when due under the Agreement shall accrue interest from the date such payment is due at a rate of one-and-one-half percent (1.5%) per month (eighteen percent (18%) per annum).
8. Non-Assignability: Client may not assign their interests in the Agreement without the written consent of IA U.S. GC.
9. Non-Waiver: The action or inaction of a party to the Agreement shall not constitute a waiver of a right or remedy afforded that party under the Agreement, nor shall any such action or inaction constitute approval of a default.
10. Complete Agreement; Merger: The Agreement is a complete statement of the Agreement, and supersedes all agreements or representations of the Parties, including all representations which may have induced either of the parties to enter into the Agreement. The Agreement can only be modified by a writing signed by both IA U.S. GC and Client.
11. Severability: Any provision of the agreement held to be void or unenforceable under applicable law shall be deemed to be of no force and effect, and all remaining provisions of the Agreement shall continue to be valid and binding upon the parties.
12. Non-Circumvention: Client shall not by-pass, avoid, circumvent, or attempt to circumvent Coach’s entitlement to commissions, which includes Client and its representatives from using the System through another entity or through another individual to sell goods and services to the United States Federal Government.
After 24 months, membership in the FedProfits Business Growth Community Chapter will be renewed on your anniversary date each year. Renewals will be based upon performance on federal contracts, attendance, management, success of your specific chapter, etc. at the discretion of the Board of Directors and the Selection Committee of the International Association of US Government Contractors.
IA U.S. GC will inquire about the member’s desire to renew their membership. If they wish to renew, the process of reviewing the member’s request will begin. The member will be notified of renewal of their annual membership or non-renewal within 7 days of their anniversary date with their renewal date retroactive to their anniversary date.
Membership Cancellation
After 24 months, membership in the FedProfits Business Growth Community Chapter will be renewed on your anniversary date each year. Renewals will be based upon performance on federal contracts, attendance, management, success of your specific chapter, etc. at the discretion of the Board of Directors and the Selection Committee of the International Association of US Government Contractors.
Procurement Ready
IA U.S. GC will complete three company registrations and capability statements (procurement ready) at no additional cost.